(self) love life

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do we really need that drink to have fun?

If you’re a long time follower of my work you know that I lovvvveeeee serving and enjoying a good drink with great company. When I’m out, ordering a round of shots is a ritual. Being at a bar can be electrifying and a fun way to engage with new people. My husband and I have…

hitting the self reset button

A few things I do to help recalibrate my energy.

body image vs. good health

the journey to not-slim good health.

rebuilding: turning off survival mode preparing for life after the pandemic

You’ve just spent nearly a year working from home, with minimal socialization living in fear and confusion. Your physical and emotional exhaustion level is well beyond anything you could have comprehended. Your soul misses exploring. You miss brunch and fitness classes where you could hug and hight-five a sweaty stranger without cringing. If you have…

emerging: are we the same people we were before the pandemic?

It was time for me to emerge outside of motherhood and the grind and I asked myself, who was I before? Who have I become?

the book that will help you keep that habit you’ve been trying to stick with for years

Stretching every morning is something I’ve always wanted to do. I struggled with consistency for years until now.

standing in a puddle of shame

once I said it out loud my inner voice’s negativity poured in uncontrollably…. this time I talked back.

global pandemic: day 129

negative and positive thoughts are healthy.

Sometimes things end up on your bucket list after the fact.

A bucket list is usually interpreted as a number of experiences an individual wishes to accomplish during their lifetime. Because life is short, there are only but so many items we can have on this list.

A trip to Thailand: The Itinerary

A trip to Thailand: The Itinerary

What Makes Cuba What It Is, Is Its People

I love Cuba, and even more so, I love its people.